Inclusive Education for All
In Nigeria, kids with special needs are often not afforded the basic accommodations to enable them to pursue the same opportunities as their peers. There are a variety of reasons for this, but one that stands out is the lack of dedicated special needs teachers in schools. This is a fundamental issue keeping millions of kids who are the future of the nation out of school. The importance of an educated next generation cannot be understated.
The Special Ones Foundation (SOFI) is committed to ensuring special education teachers are placed in schools in Nigeria to give kids with special needs the dedicated attention required for them to have an equal opportunity to succeed. This teacher will provide the kids with the personalized learning plans they require to have a quality education. This program will benefit not only the kids but also the school system as a whole.
Our funding goal to launch this program and sustain it for at least 2 years is $5,000. The board members at SOFI have committed to self-funding 25% of this goal. We need your help to make this program a reality and to ensure that this program can continue for years to come. If you would like to help, please donate using the link below or contact us for other forms of contribution.
© Special Ones Foundation, Inc. 2021